Shimotsukenokuni issha Hachimangu, Kadota Inari    Southern Area Shrines and Temples 

According to the shrine's biography, Minamoto no Yoshiie founded this shrine in 1056 (1056) to pray for the victory of pursuing Ouu.
On the west side of the precincts, there is Kadota Inari which is one of the three major Enkiri Inari Shrine, and there are always many worships who wish the dissolution of the relationship to disease, alcoholic, gambling etc.
Basic Information・Access
387-7, Yawata-cho, Ashikaga City, 326-0824 


20 minutes from Ashikaga I.C on the Kita-Kanto Expressway
15 minutes from Oota-Kiryu I.C on the Kita-Kanot Expressway
40 minutes from Sano-Fujioka I.C on the Tohoku Expressway
5 minutes by Taxi from Tobu-Isesaki Line Ashikagashi Station
8 minutes by Taxi from JR Ryomo Line Ashikaga Station

Car Park

Facility Information
Feel free to visit.
〇大晦日 大祓式(午後3時~)病気厄はらい、歳旦祭(午後11時30分~午前2時)初詣
〇元旦 歳旦祭(午前7時~午後4時)初詣
〇年始 歳旦祭(2日~3日午前8時~午後4時)初詣
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