Takeya    Downtown お土産 

Takeya is a directly managed store of a textile wholesaler with a history of more than 70 years, which is located in the center of stone pavement path of the ancient city, which runs from Ashikaga Gakko (School) to the national treasure Bannaji Temple.

Under the theme of "Japanese modernism", this store selles a wide variety of products such as creative Japanese miscellaneous goods, small furoshiki, purse, shop curtain, table cloth, clothing, etc. at a wholesale price.

<Sample of Products>
Komon Japanese Hand Towel: 300 jpy
Small Furoshiki: 300 jpy
Gauze Towel: 300 jpy
Shop Curtain: 1,000 jpy~ etc.
Indigo Dyeing Purse: 380 jpy
(Price without Tax) 

It is very reasonable price.
Please stop by when you take a stroll along Stone Pavement path, where the lived-in feel and the atmospher of the ancient city unique to Ashikaga, which florished as textile town, are in perfect harmony.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Basic Information・Access
2379 Daimon-Dori, Ashikaga City, 326-0812


Parking Lot 
3 Cars(Neighborhood)

Business Hour :10:00~18:00
Selling Point
We are particular about value and quality unique to a directly wholesale store!
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